New Revelations Suggest Pelosi’s Staff Knew of January 6 Threat


Recent investigations reveal that staff members of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi might have been briefed about potential threats leading up to the January 6 Capitol riot. According to multiple sources, new evidence contradicts previous claims that Pelosi was unaware of the looming violence.

Footage released by House GOP investigators shows Pelosi, moments after being evacuated from the Capitol, acknowledging the lack of adequate security measures. In a conversation with her chief of staff, Terri McCullough, Pelosi stated, "We have responsibility… We did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have".

A significant portion of the blame has been attributed to concerns over the "optics" of deploying National Guard troops. Internal Capitol Police memos revealed by whistleblowers indicated that offers for additional security were declined due to political considerations​​. The Department of Defense timeline shows that Capitol Police twice declined offers for military assistance ahead of the rally​​.

Moreover, House Republicans have uncovered emails and texts showing that Pelosi's office was actively involved in creating and editing the Capitol security plan. The evidence suggests that Pelosi's staff was in regular contact with the Capitol Police and had a significant influence on security decisions. Reports indicate that Pelosi's top aide, Jamie Fleet, and chief of staff, Terri McCullough, attended several meetings regarding security preparations​.

An intelligence memo from Capitol Police dated December 21, 2020, warned of detailed threats to storm the Capitol. Despite this, final instructions to Capitol Police officers did not include these warnings, leaving frontline officers unprepared for the violence they encountered​.

These findings challenge the narrative that the security failures were solely due to mismanagement by law enforcement. Instead, it appears that political considerations and decision-making at the highest levels of Congress played a crucial role in the inadequate preparation for January 6.

The GOP's counter-investigation aims to highlight these overlooked aspects and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the security failures. As Representative Jim Banks stated, "Our report exposes the partisanship, incompetence, and indifference that led to the disaster on January 6 and the leading role Speaker Pelosi and her office played in the security failure at the Capitol"​.

This new evidence raises questions about the true extent of Pelosi's involvement and the decisions made by her office in the lead-up to one of the most significant breaches in American history.


  1. She knew that President Trump asked for National Guard Protection Days before the fact. She rejected the Idea……And the Offer. The result was exactly what She wanted it to be. Chaotic, and She wanted it to appear that President Trump caused it. She is a Terrible Person. She is more concerned with Her Investments and Ice Cream Selection in Her Freezer than She cares about the Welfare of the American People. She should be Expelled from Congress.



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