White Dudes for Harris: Hollywood “Elites” Fund Kamala Harris’s Presidential Campaign


Actors Jeff Bridges and Sean Astin, along with Congressman Adam Schiff, headlined a virtual fundraiser dubbed "White Dudes for Harris" to support Vice President Kamala Harris’s 2024 presidential campaign. The event, held on Monday, saw participation from thousands of progressive donors, raising millions for Harris’s campaign coffers.

The fundraiser is part of a broader strategy to shore up Harris's appeal among left-leaning voters by leveraging celebrity endorsements. Jeff Bridges, whose fame peaked with The Big Lebowski, enthusiastically backed Harris, declaring, “A woman president, man—how exciting!” Sean Astin, known for his roles in The Lord of the Rings, also expressed his support, while Schiff highlighted Harris’s progressive policies as key reasons for his endorsement​.

This event underscores a concerning trend of Hollywood elites wielding their influence to push a liberal agenda. Congressman Adam Schiff, notorious for his role in the impeachment trials against President Trump, used the platform to rally support for Harris, further intertwining Hollywood and Democratic politics​​.

Participants in the fundraiser, mostly from affluent backgrounds, contributed millions, reflecting the deep pockets and out-of-touch nature of Harris’s base. The campaign’s reliance on Hollywood stars reveals a disconnect from everyday Americans who face real issues like rising crime rates, inflation, and border security concerns.

Bridges, Astin, and Schiff took turns touting Harris’s record, praising her controversial stances on criminal justice reform and climate change. They ignored the practical consequences of her policies, such as the negative impact on law enforcement morale and the economic burdens of green energy mandates​.

The "White Dudes for Harris" event also showcased musical performances and interactive segments, illustrating the glitzy yet superficial nature of the campaign’s appeal. This spectacle does little to address the substantive issues facing the nation and instead focuses on celebrity culture and identity politics.

Hollywood’s heavy involvement in Harris’s campaign is a stark reminder of the ideological bubble in which these elites reside. Their backing of Harris is less about genuine policy solutions and more about maintaining a veneer of progressivism that aligns with their insulated lifestyles.

The fundraiser underscores what some see as a troubling alliance between Hollywood and the Democratic Party, which seems more concerned with virtue signaling than addressing the concerns of average Americans. As the 2024 election approaches, Harris’s campaign appears increasingly dependent on the financial and cultural clout of Hollywood rather than resonating with voters nationwide.


  1. Anyone that Blindly supports a Failed Agenda and Ideology that has Damaged our Country, Hurt it’s people, Taken our Money, Caused Chaotic Inflation, Ruined our Foreign Relations, Corrupted the Supply chain is a F***### Idiot, and I would go as far to say that these people have no Common Sense when it comes to knowing Why they are Even Voting. A VOTE FOR Her Turdness is a Vote to Destroy what’s left of our Country. Thank about that.


  2. Some white dudes maybe. Several groups have proclaimed to support her because she is black. Serious racists. Say what you want but she is female and every female group is running their tongue over her faster than biden runs his tongue over illegals. Look at the problems that both reject as business as usual. Offered both a plan for healthcare, disaster prep and response, REAL student loan restructuring, school and hospital budgets and more. Both REFUSE. Worthless. Racist-sexist win the election.


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