Russia’s “Invincible” 9M370 Burevestnik Missile: A New Era of Global Threat


In a significant development, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently confirmed the successful test of the 9M370 Burevestnik, a nuclear-powered cruise missile with potentially global reach. This missile, part of a new wave of Russian strategic weaponry, represents a substantial escalation in global military capabilities and poses a profound threat to international security.

The Burevestnik, which translates to "storm petrel" in English, was first unveiled by Putin in 2018 as part of a suite of next-generation weapons designed to circumvent Western missile defense systems. Unlike conventional cruise missiles, the Burevestnik is powered by a miniaturized nuclear reactor, giving it an effectively unlimited range. This allows it to stay airborne for days, maneuvering around missile defenses and striking from unpredictable directions. According to experts, this capability could enable the missile to target anywhere on the globe, including the United States, from within Russian territory​.

The missile's low-altitude flight, reportedly between 50 to 100 meters, makes it particularly difficult to detect by radar, further complicating defense efforts. The missile’s combination of nuclear propulsion and warheads means that it could deliver devastating strikes while evading most existing defense systems​.

However, the development of the Burevestnik has not been without setbacks. The missile has been plagued by numerous test failures since its inception, and the technical challenges associated with its nuclear propulsion system are immense. In 2019, an explosion during a test in the White Sea resulted in the deaths of several Russian nuclear scientists and a significant release of radiation, underscoring the risks associated with this weapon's development.

Despite these issues, Russia appears determined to bring the Burevestnik into service, which would mark a significant shift in global strategic balances. The missile's successful deployment would provide Russia with a "unique weapon" capable of bypassing the United States' sophisticated missile defense systems, potentially altering the calculus of any future nuclear conflict.

The international community has expressed concern over the Burevestnik's potential deployment. The missile's development and testing have already strained relations between Russia and the West, particularly in the context of the New START treaty, the last remaining arms control agreement between the U.S. and Russia. With the treaty set to expire in 2026 and Russia suspending its participation earlier this year, the future of nuclear arms control looks increasingly uncertain.

Experts believe that the Burevestnik, along with other advanced Russian weapons like the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle and the Poseidon nuclear torpedo, could complicate any future arms control negotiations. These systems are designed to maintain Russia’s strategic deterrence capabilities in the face of evolving U.S. missile defense systems, potentially triggering a new arms race​.

In conclusion, the 9M370 Burevestnik represents a significant leap in nuclear weapons technology, one that could have far-reaching implications for global security. While technical challenges remain, Russia's continued efforts to perfect this weapon suggest that the Burevestnik could soon become a central component of its strategic arsenal, raising the stakes for international arms control and global stability.


  1. Time to break out the Satellite that drops Depleted Uraniumn Rods and take ’em out. Rods cannot be traced, nor can they be tracked. No one can tell where they came from. There are no identifying marks or information on them, but that wouldn’t do any good anyway, because they vaporize everything within a mile radius. It’s either that or the Rail Guns.



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