Trump’s Return: Prepare for Chaos and Blame


As the 2024 election season heats up, discussions around former President Donald Trump's potential return to the Oval Office are stirring up significant debate and concern. With various factions gearing up for what could be a tumultuous transition, the political landscape is fraught with tension and anticipation.

In an exclusive interview, Judy Shelton, a former economic advisor to Trump, underscored the urgency of addressing the nation's fiscal challenges. Shelton warned of a future reminiscent of the Soviet Union's collapse if the U.S. continues on its current path of unsustainable debt.

She suggested that a return to a gold standard might be a solution, emphasizing the importance of sound finances for a stable economy​​.

Political strategist James Carville voiced his frustration over the Democratic Party's ineffective strategies against Trump. Carville lamented that traditional tactics are failing, as Trump remains ahead in the polls. He stressed the need for a new approach, highlighting the public's waning concern over issues like January 6, which he believes are not resonating as intended with voters​.

Amidst this backdrop, NBC News reported on efforts by the so-called "Deep State" to prepare for Trump's return. Concerns are mounting within the establishment about Trump potentially leveraging the military for political purposes. Plans are being crafted by various public interest groups to counteract any expansion of presidential power that could undermine democratic norms​​.

A matured MAGA movement is also mobilizing, with groups like Project 2025 preparing for a possible second Trump term. This coalition, involving over 90 conservative organizations, is focused on ensuring a smooth and effective transition should Trump win. Key figures from Trump's first term, including Stephen Bannon and Paul Dans, are actively involved in strategizing to avoid the pitfalls of the 2016 transition, which was marked by chaos and inexperience.

Further complicating the political climate, there are allegations of elite manipulation and cover-ups surrounding President Joe Biden's cognitive health. Critics argue that Biden's perceived senility was well-known among the elite, who nonetheless chose to support him as a controllable figure. This narrative is gaining traction as Biden's performance continues to draw scrutiny and concern​.

In summary, as Trump's potential return looms, the political arena is rife with preparations and defensive measures from various quarters. The stakes are high, and both supporters and detractors are bracing for what could be a defining moment in American political history. The next few months will be critical in shaping the future trajectory of the nation's leadership and its democratic institutions.


  1. Biden/Harris have to go. Plain and Simple. Their Policies have Damaged Our Country. Plain And Simple. They are the ones Spreading Hate, Lies, They sow Falsities about the Republican Party. PLAIN and SIMPLE. To ALL OF I SAY: Please don’t make the same mistake that you did almost 4 years ago (those of you who voted for the Biden/Harris ticket), Please vote for a PROVEN POLICY President With a Proven way to handle Business, Foreign Policy, Immigration, Energy Management, And Run Our Government So that Our Country Can Be Repaired and Prosper The Way We were Meant To. Because We Are Americans. We Are Not Marxist Communist. WE are Americans. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. God Bless America and God Bless Our Military, Police, And Our First Responders. 👀🐘🇺🇲🍍

  2. Another thing that people should know is how biden really feels about veterans. He jumps for joy every time a vet gets screwed by the va. What proof? I have been trying to become employed at an outhouse called hayley in Tampa,FL. My skill level is higher than required through the announcements-I am a FLEMT-higher education and skill level. This outhouse is spending money by the pound fighting to keep a medically qualified veteran off of its work force which is 25% veteran. I have offered this outhouse a plan to reduce vet suicide and vet homeless. An attorney patch says not only up your to employment but working to reduce vet suicide and homeless. UNPATRI0OTIC-BENEDICT ARNOLD HAD MORE INTEGRITY.


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